
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Green Screen Politics

For some time now my blog, "The Art of CG Supervision" has been waiting for me to tickle the keyboard.  Today a question I saw on LinkedIn inspired me to write.

As supervisors we are often confronted with questions that, on first hearing, we may want to scream "No way!"  But of course, that really would be childish and of no help to anyone.

In my new post, I address the concerns of a LinkedIn member who was being asked by DP about over-cranking footage to get a better key.  Having recently worked as the keying supervisor on Prime Focus's SIN CITY A DAME TO KILL FOR, I sort of felt I could speak to the question.

"Green Screen" by Peter Pearson
licensed CC BY-SA 2.0
The first step is to address the technical, aesthetic, and cost implications of the question (with schedule the time cost).  Then we look at the delicacies of working with the DP....

Read more at The Politics of the Green Screen Shoot